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About Dr. Deepak Kulkarni

When I first decided to join the medical profession, I was most inspired by the ancient Indian doctors, especially Charak, who gave his  100% to medicine. On graduating out of Medical School, the Hippocratic oath, which each student takes as he goes out into the world to serve and save humanity influenced me tremendously.

The Hippocratic oath covers several important ethical issues between doctors and patients. The oath first establishes that the practitioner of medicine gives deference to the creators, teachers, and learners of medicine. ... The oath serves as a contract for doctors to work towards the benefit of the health of the public.  This oath is still held sacred by physicians: to treat the ill to the best of one's ability, to preserve a patient's privacy, to teach the secrets of medicine to the next generation, and so on.

  I am proud to say that I am trying to follow the practices of these great masters. ..not forgetting the four important parts to medical practice – the patient, the physician, the nurse, and the medicines. All four equally essential to recovery and return to health.

At a very early age of two, I had made up my mind to become a doctor. What led me to this decision was an accident, which took me into the operation theatre. The bright lights, innumerable instruments, the smell of medicine and chloroform, the masked doctors and nurses, fascinated and inspired me .

Later on, I made up my mind to become a neuro surgeon. I watched a skull being opened up and realized  the power and  precision  a  doctor had  to have,  along with  stamina to stand tirelessly for eight to nine hours at a stretch. This led me to believe that I wanted to do the same​.

During my years of service I have received the following awards:

1) Best neurosurgeon in 2009 awarded by the Government.

2) Limca Book of World records in 2014 for _____________(not broken)

3)  The World Book of records 2014 for _____________ ( not broken)

4) Luminaries by Dainik Bhaskar in 2017 ( 34 Drs  in the state were selected 

     and felicitated)

5) Times wellness wizards  given by The Times of India.

6)  Influencers of Indore (50 most influential people of Indore beginning with Sumitra Mahajan, were felicitated)

7)  Received the  Best Neurosurgeon Award  on Drs Day from 94.3 My fm.

8)  Selected in Indore Ke Sitare Magazine

 I give  free service to M.Y. Hospital whenever the surgeon is not available.

I have also worked with the local administration in treatment of 47 patients who were injured in violent clashes during the riots in 2008(  This was carried out voluntarily, free of cost)

9) Skull reconstruction using natural bone which is not even mentioned in neurosurgery textbooks.( 2015)

10)Dr.  S.K Mukherjee Award in 2016, for the best neuro surgeon was another feather in the cap.

My motto is selfless service to humanity and patients,  dedication to my profession and to work relentlessly to provide comfort and care to those who are suffering. I cover 175 hospitals and nursing homes, irrespective of the patient’s financial status. ( No other neuro surgeon does this)

I have never refused my service to any patient who is  financially burdened and  have operated on a 3 year old at  â‚¹3 in 2015…and also performed a brain tumour for 1.25 rupees.

Since the past 5 years, I have been serving tea to the sweepers during the morning, thus contributing to the Swachch Bharat Abhiyan.

I have come across barriers of attitude, due to ignorance, family pressures, economic crisis  varied educational and legal backgrounds of my patients, but I have dealt with each problem to the best of my ability.

A smiling  face of a patient and their relatives, who put their utmost trust in my skill, brings me the greatest joy ever.

I would like to quote : A surgeon should give as little pain while he is treating a patient, and no pain at all when he charges his fee.

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